There are two license examination teams in Pahrump.
Sessions are on the second Saturday of odd-numbered months. The start time is 1:00 PM.
Contact: Dick Grady, AC7EL
Phone: (775)751-5242
Email: exams (at) ac7el (dot) org
Persons 17 years of age and younger will be tested for free.
On each exam date, starting at 8:00 AM, there will be a study class leading to the Technician License. Click here for full details about the study program.
Sessions are on the second Saturday of even-numbered months. The start time is 1:00 PM.
Contact: Leo Marchetti, AD7VP
Phone: (775)990-3379
Email: leom702 (at) gmail (dot) com
For both teams, the location is the Nye County Emergency Management Building, 1510 E. Siri Lane, Pahrump, NV.
The fee for the examination is $15.00 for adults. If you pass one exam, you can take the higher exams at the same session for no additional cost as long as you keep passing them.
For information about exams in Las Vegas, see :
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